[FAQ] 2.1 Release Notes (improvements and major fixes) (2024)

People have requested an equivalent post for the fixes in 2.0.0 to 2.0.4

2.0.x Bug Fixes

This post covers the main bug fixes that are included in 2.0.4. The bug fixes are organised by operating system.

(A) Bug fixes which affected all platforms

  • Add Boolean operation slowdown/hang system. Force quit needed to close Affinity.
  • Add Boolean operation with rotated object fails to produce correct result
  • Add operation can make other shape disappear
  • Boolean Add and Divide Operation fails on a flipped shape
  • Boolean Add can create duplicate nodes in the same spot
  • Boolean Add doesn't combine overlapping paths with multiple objects selected.
  • Boolean Add Operation causes Corner Tool to apply incorrectly
  • Boolean Add operation fails on objects aligned to non square grids
  • Boolean Divide deletes part of the shape
  • Boolean Operation fails on small object with 'curves' that contains a curve with one node
  • Boolean operation hangs Affinity until it runs out of resources or you force quit.
  • Boolean operations - shape with multiple curves needs two operations to join
  • Boolean operations fail on specific document, but succeed as Compound Booleans
  • Boolean operations failing - objects disappear from the screen.
  • Boolean operations issues
  • Corner Tool and Boolean operations: Boolean operations may create smooth nodes where they should be sharp thus the Corner tool becomes unusable on them
  • Crash - attempting to use Boolean Add twice on the same curve
  • Crash when Boolean add curves - File specific
  • Divide Boolean operation keeps creating layers/objects when we press the Divide button several times
  • Divide example used in Designer Workbook no longer works
  • Divide not functioning correctly when objects are placed inside each other
  • Divide on Compound Objects gives excess objects
  • Divide operation applied certain shapes may lead to failed results when there's overlapping lines
  • Divide operation fails when using Open Curves to define areas to be divided.
  • Divide/Combine operations cause app to freeze
  • Dividing shapes cause excess curves to be created
  • Duplicating linked text frames on a master doesn't duplicate the link on the pages
  • Edit Text Style dialog has textured line option under Decorations
  • File specific incorrect Boolean results
  • Guides from the grand parent (nested master) not shown on a Master
  • IDML file crashes Pub attempting to open
  • Importing Text Styles fails to see the same default Decoration based styles as the same
  • Intersecting curve fails to divide
  • Layer Effects applied from Style varies depending on size of object
  • Non-destructive Boolean operations don't work with smart nodes.
  • Pencil Tool: freeze when using Rope Stabiliser and Pressure
  • Place PDF scale - not right when no raster data
  • Rename 'Reset Formatting' to be 'Reapply Text Styles'
  • Right hand facing page position not correct when child Master pages are used
  • Sharp Corners get converted to Smooth on Boolean Add
  • Stroke order enabled for table cells
  • Subtract Boolean operation leaves stroke where should have been a clean space
  • Subtracting Boolean operation is very slow (possibly never ending)
  • SVG fails to error if containing invalid syntax
  • Text on a Path 'jumps' when editing the Donut shape with the Node tool
  • Unexpected result with Subtract Boolean operation
  • Using the Select object/ transparency object selects all objects
  • Translation Improvements
  • Help file improvements

(B) Bug fixes which affected Desktop (Windows and macOS)

  • .afpub crash on open, possible issue rendering selected object
  • Adjusting Table Inset Causes Immediate Crash
  • Adjustment Layer in group prevents PDF in picture frame exporting
  • Affinity seems to ignore 'ClipPath' values in an SVG
  • afpackage with complex PDFs has high memory/disk usage on load
  • AFPhoto document fails to place correctly when using 'TrimBox
  • After editing a Text style the last field in this edit is shown if you edit another text style
  • Align to Baseline Grid doesn't respect the Baselines Start Position unless Text Frame > Vertical Position > Minimum is set to the same value
  • Align to Baseline Grid Text Frame option does not work when a Frame Inset value is set and Relative To : Insets is used
  • Aligning Artistic Text to spread fails to redraw
  • Anchors in detached frames can't be deleted in the Anchor Panel
  • Applying a Perlin noise filter to an object on a Master Page crashes Publisher
  • Applying master causing crash
  • Attached IDML file crashes Pub on import
  • Blend Options, blend ranges: it's possible to create nodes out of range (above 100%)
  • Bounding boxes can become detached for layers in a Symbol
  • Character style > Next style does nothing
  • Cmd+F does not place focus in the input field in the Find and Replace panel in certain circ*mstances
  • Copy - paste of tab separated text skips the last entry if the hard return is not selected
  • Copy - paste text frame - Paragraph style of last line is ignored if last line is empty
  • Copy and Pasting multiple selections in a row doesn't paste the most recent clipboard entry
  • Copy paste Arabic text from docx uses the wrong font
  • Corner tool causes freezing when marquee selecting multiple nodes
  • Corner Tool is incredibly slow to use on specific file
  • Crash editing an embedded document
  • Crash when Ctrl-Z undoing after performing an Insert Index.
  • Crash when typing in copy/pasted frame - file specific
  • Customer File: Unable to Relink or Replace 'missing' resource
  • Data merge manager > Changing the sheet does not auto-update the sheet data
  • Data Merge with Excel file and text formatting can cause missing text when merged
  • Default Heading Text Styles aren't retained when drawing a new text frame
  • Deleting an artboard should prompt to keep objects
  • Document crashes when clicking through a Pattern Layer in the document view
  • Document fails to export to PDF due to invalid Dash Patterns
  • Document specific crash switching image between floating/pinned
  • Double clicking pinned objects with Move Tool doesn't switch to their relevant 'editing' tool
  • Dragging Text Frame beyond first line of Baseline Grid doesn't appear to work correctly
  • Dragging text from one table cell to another places text in a seemingly random cell
  • Drop cap crashes into lower line even after checking Scale for descenders
  • Drop caps should use character baseline for height
  • DropCaps with Baseline Grid - incorrect line height
  • Embed ICC profiles in PDF export is inconsistently enabled/disabled between Mac and Windows
  • EPS and WMF export crash if missing resources
  • File crashes after a few minutes
  • File Crashes composing text
  • Find and Replace - Replace producing differing results to replace all
  • 'Full width' punctuation, such as Chinese commas don't justify / flow correctly
  • Hang - Select some text and insert TOC
  • Hyperlinks with spaces in the middle of the URL fail to export to PDF
  • Hyperlinks within cells can be incorrectly created and then cannot be deleted
  • IDML document cannot be saved as .afpub after import - Save failed because the file couldn't be written to
  • IDML file crashes Pub on opening
  • IDML file with overridden master page imports incorrectly
  • Import Styles affected by DPI
  • Incorrect vertically justified columns
  • Index Entries can be renamed to be blank
  • Inline image + Placed image with text wrap gives unexpected gaps
  • Insert TOC halfway through paragraph does nothing
  • Invert Pixel selections gets shifted based on Bleed Size
  • It's possible to select objects on empty pages in specific circ*mstances
  • Justification doesn't disable ligatures correctly
  • Learning words on Mac leaves capitalised instances of that word underlined
  • Light UI - Stroke Panel - Arrow Icons not clear/visible
  • Line of wrapping text sometimes disappears when scaling object pinned to its frame
  • Linked afpub file doesn't display pages until selected
  • Linking non-empty master page text frames asserts
  • Lookup flag IgnoreMarks is ignored
  • Make Linked on an Embedded image that was Converted to Image Resource creates a 96DPI file, but reports as 300DPI (matching the document/original image DPI)
  • Marquee selection is off
  • Marquee selections get shifted based on the bleed size
  • Merge runs of tabs using leaders
  • Missing "Compact group rows" in the layers panel > hamburger menu
  • Missing translation on Image Resource Policy warning message
  • Objects disappear using 'Add' with 'Insert Inside'
  • Opacity and Tint sliders do nothing within a Master Page text frame, applied to a spread
  • OpenAsset images have wrong colours in CMYK document
  • Opening .afpub files causes app to close
  • Opening attached file crashes Publisher
  • Optical Alignment fails for Japanese Accented (sonant) characters
  • Paragraph > Decoration > Colour fly-out displays swatches in RGB and not CMYK
  • PDF export fail > Anchor to table > File specific
  • PDF export fails we if have have an Anchor to a linked PDF
  • PDF Export: some images are being exported flipped
  • PDF fails to export with anchor to object outside of page bounds
  • PDF Import, 'Group lines of text into text frames' UI state is remembered, causing unexpected import results
  • Pinned objects (or any child objects) go missing when text is converted to curves
  • Placed .afpub file with bleed set to BleedBox shifts images when exporting without rasterisation / bleed
  • Placing .docx file with paragraph spacing larger than 1x offsets diacritic marks from characters
  • Placing XLSX file causes app crash
  • Preflight - Custom Bleed Dimension not persisted correctly
  • prevent line breaking of URL's
  • Quick Mask - Crash in Photo Persona when dragging selection box
  • RegEx Find and replace - Not advancing to next result
  • Relatively simple Boolean operation takes large minutes to perform (Add/Combine): Designer seems to freeze
  • Removing a Hyperlink via right click will result in a fragmented hyperlink if multiple words are linked
  • Replacing hyperlinks over multiple words can create new hyperlinks
  • Replacing images with HEIC files causes crash
  • Resizing a Linked Document in a frame has different behavior for embedded/linked
  • Resource manager does not highlight the parent of the same resource placed twice
  • Right Aligned Tab not going up to the frame edge
  • Section Manager not honouring Decimal Grouping symbol
  • Sentence Case fails to convert ' Y ' in Spanish text from all caps
  • Show Group Thumbnails naming inconsistency between platforms
  • Single radius tick box missing from shape's context toolbar
  • Slow opening, utilises all Memory.
  • Some references to Data Merge Node should be Data Merge Layout
  • Spacebar + Alt + click zooms out and pans far away from document
  • Stroke Panel doesn't always round up values allowing you to type invalid stroke widths that fail to export to PDF
  • Switching to master doesn't always take you to a master applied to the current page
  • Table format - Colour is always rendered as RGB
  • Text > Insert Filler Text adds the same text to every frame when a non-text tool is active
  • Text Frame default attributes saving/updating inconsistently
  • Text Frame layer names don't instantly update
  • Text Frame panel bug when frame breaks are applied
  • Text inside a pinned group is not included in TOC
  • Text objects are visually clipped when aligning with another and requires a force redraw
  • Text Style panel samples can be poor quality
  • Text Styles that are based on existing and use Typography incorrectly show + in the Context Toolbar
  • Tiling when drawing a shape for the first time on master page
  • Unable to work with afpub document with embedded PDFs
  • Undo while brushing > Crash
  • Unsupported Unicode Characters appear when the font doesn't support them
  • Updating TOC hangs the app - File specific
  • User File - PDF opens with missing image data
  • User file with lots of nested groups causes the app to hang when export
  • User file: Applying a Master Page to a Page with an inline image causes a crash
  • User file: Fails to export to PDF due to 2x rectangle objects with 0 width
  • User File: IDML crashing on open
  • User file: rendering issue flowing text frame with 2 columns & text wrap
  • Users IDML file text not parsing correctly on opening %63 is showing as letter C
  • When doing a Data Merge without converting a Artboard to spread the app freezes
  • XLS spreadsheet with From control crashes app
  • Xlsx from LibreOffice Places without values
  • Zoom out loses track of cursor position/click making the document jump around
  • Many other desktop fixes

(C) Bugs fixed which specifically affected Windows

  • afpackage with many linked PDF's takes up too much memory/disk space on load
  • Application crash when searching within the font selection menu on specific Windows update
  • Assets panel is enabled by default on Windows but disabled by default on Mac
  • Associated Tool should ignore Photo specific tools
  • Attached file gets stuck opening
  • Auto updating linked resources causes a permissions error
  • Bleed Colour chooser, setting value by key doesn't apply to bleed
  • Character Panel
  • Crash adding page into combined doc
  • Crash deleting tab stops which should no longer exist when document is closed
  • Crash on new document when installed to non default location
  • Crash when dismissing error that document is corrupted, regression from 1.9.2
  • Crash when entering Photo's preferences in Publisher whilst Designer is not installed
  • Crash when right clicking a Vector image using Place Image tool
  • Crashing with rapid key presses [TextTool::GetContentType]
  • Customer crash after hitting space
  • Customer File: Crash when updating / fixing outdated resources from OneDrive when manually added to master page object
  • Decoration stroke has textured line style on Windows, not Mac
  • Decorations > Enabled checkbox does not match settings when dialog box is reopened
  • Drag and drop from browser to document doesn't work for Chrome and Edge on Windows
  • Dragging Master Page to Page causes master pages to scroll to the bottom
  • Easter Egg Cat style didn't get updated on Windows
  • Export Persona: Changing options doesn't modify slices using presets
  • File > Place will filter to Text files if a Embedded Document is selected.
  • Find and replace - pressing ‘find’ on a newly opened document with an empty search field will freeze text heavy documents
  • Font size doesn't localise the decimal separator when unticking 'Show text in points'
  • Hang when scrolling through Slices Panel
  • Import Text Styles works with .aftemplate documents, but they are not included in the file filter list on Windows
  • Importing IDML file with linked images breaks the file paths in resource manager
  • 'Include Printer Marks' checkbox gets disabled when clicking other checkboxes
  • Last character extends beyond text frame with specific fonts, typography settings & a right indent tab
  • Limit initial zoom to a maximum of 100% preference not working
  • Limit initial zoom to a maximum of 100% preference only works for the first loaded file
  • Miscellaneous keyboard shortcuts are not saved when 'Apply to All' is active
  • Moving mouse down Line End list causes the line end option to 'jump' back up to none
  • New Transform option Tooltip is different on Windows.
  • No Select Same Colour Tag or Same Name on the right click menu
  • Occasional crash when duplicating symbols
  • Optical Alignment max value within text style editor is 100%, no cap in character studio
  • Pages Panel is visible in the Designer Persona using StudioLink
  • Pencil Tool gets stuck on if you use Alt+Shift whilst drawing
  • Placing a PSD causes a Placed PDF is missing or broken preflight message
  • PSD exported from our apps crash during import - File specific
  • Quick Access to Node Tool no longer allows you to insert node on Windows
  • Remove Styles from Paragraphs/Characters does not clear Styles on Windows
  • Rename Layer should trigger on Mouse Up rather than Mouse Down
  • Resample options don't appear unless using Pixels or Points as document units on Windows
  • Section Manager does not update switching between documents
  • Select All fails in resource manager on Windows
  • Shift Select fails after moving a layer
  • Specific document generates duplicate images when saved as a package
  • Swatch Palette fails to update after selecting a fill
  • Text Ruler paragraph indent cannot be dragged independently of the first line indent
  • Text Styles fail to appear in Table Formats dialog if they've never been displayed
  • Unable to right click in ToC Seperator field
  • Unable to select object with the move tool after being rasterised
  • Underscore in style name is not escaped on the right click menu + other places
  • Vector Brush can get stuck on Solid Line Style & the stroke width cannot be changed
  • Viewport scrollbar is limited does not scroll all the way down to the last page.
  • Many other Windows specific fixes

(D) Bugs fixed which specifically affected macOS

  • Adding an Auto Correction for 'Oeil' with French selected will result in a freeze
  • All apps crashing when exporting to any format (macOS Ventura only)
  • Anchor Panel - Button state
  • App crash when printing a 2nd document after sending a doc with artboards to print
  • Applied Swatch not highlighted in Text Style editor
  • Applying a Style and Next Style causes odd behavior in document
  • Colour Hex field highlights red when using letters
  • Crash when printing on macOS
  • Crash when resizing table - file specific
  • Customer File: Crash on open with M1 Metal enabled
  • Data merge manager appears on top of the finder window
  • Document units always defaults to MM / Milimetres after relaunching the app
  • DocX crashes on place
  • Drop caps > Style > separator
  • Edit detached redraw issue
  • Edit text style > Drop caps > Character > Auto tick box does not work properly
  • Export preset isn't added until export window is re-opened
  • Font styles duplicate after switching to category containing them.
  • Go To Master requires user to reselect Master A if they wish to go to that Master.
  • Hyperlinks panel (URL, File, Email): crash when creating and/or editing these link types (macOS Ventura only)
  • IDML - File crashing on load
  • If you access New Document dialog whilst Full Screen it will switch workspace
  • Insert Anchor can lead to app being in locked state
  • Layer loses selection when hiding a different layer
  • Mac OS Ventura Font Manager crashes Publisher
  • MacOS Ventura - enabling baseline grid crashes app
  • Min/max Page box is wrong for placed documents with Outer Shadow
  • Opening PDF & Ai files crashes all Affinity apps (macOS Ventura only)
  • Page > Spread properties dialog cut off first time it opens
  • Page numbers truncated in Section Manager
  • Photo Persona contains incorrect behaviour and icon for 'Group Layers'
  • Print dialog doesn't commit changes when pressing Print
  • Renaming anchor creates duplicate of it
  • Save, Place and Export dialogs do not have correct Z order
  • Saving to External Drive gives Failed to Save error on macOS Ventura
  • Scaling options under Spread Setup, UI issue after rescaling spread size
  • Select Same > Name and Tag Colour are not disabled with no objects selected.
  • Styles panel > Add new Category in Spanish has got the wrong string
  • Swatches palette dropdown - overlapping text
  • Symbol Name doesn't change text colour when UI mode is switched
  • Tabbing order of Transform Panel is incorrect in Separated Mode.
  • Table panel default width is too tight to display controls properly
  • Text Styles panel may truncate style names without clear indication
  • Umlauts copied from Affinity don't paste into MSWord
  • User File: Shows 0 values for Left / First Line Indent on macOS, correct values shown on Windows
  • Using arrow keys to navigate the Edit Preflight Profile window doesn't refresh right side to show selected item's settings
  • Yukon Standard Time zone produces the incorrect time
  • Zoom to Fit & Zoom to Width have the same name in French
  • Many other macOS specific fixes

(E) Bugs fixed which specifically affected iPad

  • Brush names do not get translated when switching language
  • Cannot set margins for artboards
  • Check Spelling option not persistent after closing the app
  • Guides ignore Ruler Origin position
  • Importing assets automatically changes the Assets category to a different category when the import finishes
  • Predictive text not working in iPad keyboard
  • Setting iPad Display Zoom to Zoomed breaks display
  • Text Frames - Vertical Alignment (and Justification) are not available in the iPad version
  • Text Studio: there's no colour well/control to set or remove text's background colour
  • There's no way to import colour palettes
  • Unable to create or duplicate brushes in languages other than English
  • Unable to scroll brush categories when moving a brush if you have over 21 categories
  • Many other iPadOS specific fixes

Affinity Windows applications include the fixes in lists (A)+(B)+(C)

  • (A) Bugsfixes affecting All Apps
  • (B) Bug fixes affecting desktop Apps
  • (C) those fixes affecting Windows

Affinity macOS applications include the fixes in lists (A)+(B)+(D)

  • (A) Bugsfixes affecting All Apps
  • (B) Bug fixes affecting desktop Apps
  • (D) Bug fixes affecting macOS

Affinity iPad applications include the fixes in list (A)+(E)

  • (A)Bugs fixes affecting All Apps
  • (E) Bug fixes affecting iPads.

These list are just the highlights of the many (300+) fixes made during the recent 2.1.0 beta cycle, which are listed in full in this post.

If you have reported a bug and it is not yet fixed, please do not worry or report it again. More fixes will be made in the forthcoming 2.2 beta cycle.

[FAQ] 2.1 Release Notes (improvements and major fixes) (2024)
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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Views: 5748

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.